VR for Tourism ~ Start With A Virtual Tour
I was recently requested to create a webinar for Bronwyn White and Carolyn Childs from MyTravelResearch.com and help their clients in the tourism industry demystify what VR really means. The aim is to answer, “how they can you get in on this great new technology through virtual tours?” This is why we created this virtual reality tourism marketing webinar recording as a free resource for you.
Google Street View inside your business
What’s holding you back as a tourism operator from making the most of VR? If you’re like most, it sounds too complicated and expensive, but it’s not. Historically, VR as been seen as something that gamers and techie people get excited about. The truth is that it’s not that hard to leverage this form of content. In fact most people already are familiar with the foundation of VR. Think of Google Street View and you’ll see that it’s the world’s largest virtual tour. That is the foundation of VR and you can get people looking at your business as if they were there from wherever they are.
For tourism marketers and business owners, it’s hard to stay on top of every new thing that comes out. What is known though is that if you can get people to look at your content and stay engaged for a longer period of time, you are far more likely to convert them into a booking or client. And if your goal is more clients and more bookings, then this may be for you.
Getting the ideal target market
Another great advantage of virtual tours is in fact, deselection. That may sound counter intuitive but isn’t it better to help people choose your business only when it’s the right choice? The result is far more likely to create a happy client who’s willing to refer you and give you and that a fabulous way to get great reviews.
In any case, I hope you enjoy watching the webinar recording and feel free to ask any questions. The best way to reach me is by email at marc@workpics.com or on my contact form here.
With thanks to Brownyn and Carolyn
If you are unfamiliar with MyTravelResearch.com, I would highly encourage you to have a look at what they do. Their body of work, in depth knowledge and very approachable manor makes them an ideal choice for anyone wanting to learn more about ways to grow their tourism business.
If you’d like to see a sample custom virtual tour that would work well in tourism, check out my custom virtual tour portfolio for ideas.